Alcohol, drugs, and brain damage : proceedings of a symposium [on] effects of chronic use of alcohol and other psychoactive drugs on cerebral function / edited by James G. Rankin. --. - Toronto : Alcholism and Drug Addiction Research Foundation of
Ontario, 1975. - xii, 101 p. : ill. ; 27 cmPapers presented at the International Symposia on Alcohol and Drug Addiction, held in Toronto in 1973. - Includes bibliographies and index. - BNI LC 76357761
Abstract: Simposio internazionale sugli effetti fisiologici sulle funzioni celebrali dell'uso cronico di alcol e droghe.
Altri nomi.: Rankin, James G
             International Symposia on Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Toronto, Ont.) [(1973 :]
Soggetto...: Dipendenze
             Abuso di sostanze-medicina-salute personale
             Effetti fisiologici
             Brain damage - Congresses
             Alcohol - Physiological effect - Congresses
             Drugs - Physiological effect - Congresses
Lingua.....: ENG inglese
Paese......: ON
Data ISO...: 1975
Biblioteca.: CESDA
     - Coll: M
Database...: DLC
Tipo mat...: M 102 Monografia
Record.....: E000500005298
MFN........: 013426