Members directory 2005 : Elisad : european association of libraries and information services on alcohol and other drugs / [a cura di Elisad]. - [S.l. : Elisad, 2006?]. - 64 p. ; 21 cmIn calce alla cop. : HRB Health Research Board : improving health
trough research and information. - [In intr., p.4] : Elisad Activity Report : 2004-2005
Altri nomi.: Elisad, european association of libraries and information services on alcohol and other drugs
Soggetto...: Droghe - Informazione - Biblioteche e Centri di documentazione - Europa - Rete Elisad
Lingua.....: ENG inglese
Paese......: GB Gran Bretagna
Data ISO...: [2006?]
Biblioteca.: CESDA
     - Coll: M
Database...: EC
Tipo mat...: M 102 Monografia
Record.....: E000500005147
MFN........: 013313