International guidelines for the evaluation of treatment services and systems for psychoactive substance use disorders / John Marsden ... [et al.] ; WHO, UNDCP, EMCDDA. - [Ginevra : World healt organization, 2000. - 27 p. ; 30 cm. - ()Altri autori: Alan
Ogborne, Michael Farrell, Brian Rush. - ISBN : Eurocare Italia
Altri nomi.: Marsden, John
             World healt organization
             United nations international drug control programme
             European monitoring centre for drugs and addiction
Soggetto...: Dipendenza da sostanze - Centri terapeutici - Valutazione
Lingua.....: ENG inglese
Paese......: CH Svizzera
Biblioteca.: DEVOTO
     - Coll: DRO MAR 1
Database...: DEVO
Tipo mat...: M Monografia
Record.....: DEV002977
MFN........: 004158