Reserpine in the treatment of neuropsychiatric, neurological, and related clinical problems / conference co-chairmen Fredrick F. Yonkman, Frnk L. Mohr and Jock L. Graeme ; consulting editor Frederick F. Yonkman. - New York : The New York Academy of
sciences, c1955. - 280 p. : ill. ; 23 cmAnnals of the New York Academy of sciences, v. 61, art. 1 (15 apr. 1955)
Altri nomi.: Yonkman, Frederick F.
             Mohr, Frank L.
             Graeme, Jock L.
Soggetto...: Congressi - New York - 1955
Lingua.....: ing
Paese......: ST Sao Tome' e Principe
Data ISO...: 1955
Biblioteca.: CHIARUGI
     - Coll: B.9.36
Database...: Chiarugi-MONO
Tipo mat...: M Monografia
Record.....: CHIM000948
MFN........: 005173