Psychosocial rehabilitation journal : a journal of the International association of psychosocial rehabilitation services and the Department of rehabilitation counselling, Sargent college of allied health professions, Boston University / [co-editors
William A. Anthony, George H. Wolkon]. - Boston : [la rivista]. - v.Trimestrale. - Tit. della cop. - Il primo numero dell'annata esce a luglio. - Descr. basata su: v. 9, n. 4 (Apr. 1986). - Continua con:  Psychiatric rehabilitation journal. a journal of
the International association of psychosocial rehabilitation services and the Department of rehabilitation counseling, Sargent college of allied health professions, Boston University. [co-editors William A. Anthony, Irvin D. Rutman]. - ISSN 0147-5622
Altri nomi.: Anthony, William Alan
             Wolkon, George H.
             International association of psychosocial rehabilitation services
             Sargent college of allied health professions. Department of rehabilitation counselling
Lingua.....: ing
Paese......: ST Sao Tome' e Principe
Biblioteca.: CHIARUGI
     - Coll: ARC STR 02
Database...: Chiarugi-PERIO
Tipo mat...: S Periodico
Record.....: CHIP000304
MFN........: 005482