Database: Chiarugi-PERIO
 Tipo pubblicazione: S Periodico
             Titolo: Psychiatric rehabilitation journal : a journal of the International association of psychosocial rehabilitation services and the Department of rehabilitation counseling, Sargent college of allied health professions, Boston
                     University / [co-editors William A. Anthony, Irvin D. Rutman]
      Pubblicazione: Boston (Mass.) : Boston university
 Descrizione fisica: v.
               Note: Trimestrale
                     Tit. della cop
                     Continuazione di: "Innovations & research" (non posseduto)
                     Descr. basata su: v. 19, n. 3 (Winter 1996)
                     Continuaz. di:  Psychosocial rehabilitation journal; a journal of the International association of psychosocial rehabilitation services and the Department of rehabilitation counselling, Sargent college of allied health professions,
                     Boston University, [co-editors William A. Anthony, George H. Wolkon]
               ISSN: 0147-5622
        Altre resp.: Anthony, William Alan
                     Rutman, Irving D.
                     International association of psychosocial rehabilitation services
                     Sargent college of allied health professions. Department of rehabilitation counseling
   Codice di record: CHIP000305
             Lingua: ing
Paese pubblicazione: ST Sao Tome' e Principe
 Master File Number: 005466