Royal College of physicians [Londra]
A great and growing evil : the medical consequences of alcohol abuse / The Royal College of Physicians. - London [etc.] : Tavistock, 1987. - VI, 125 p. ; 21 cm. - (Social science paperbacks ; 356)ISBN 0-422-61150-6
Altri nomi.: College of physicians, Londra. Working party on alcohol
Soggetto...: Danni da consumo di bevande alcoliche - Gran Bretagna - Rapporti di ricerca
Lingua.....: ENG inglese
Paese......: GB Gran Bretagna
Data ISO...: 1987
Biblioteca.: DEVOTO
     - Coll: ALC 100 COL 1
Biblioteca.: DEVOTO
     - Coll: ALC.ROY.
     - Note: Eurocare Italia
Database...: DEVO
Tipo mat...: M 102 Monografia
Record.....: DEV001042
MFN........: 002985