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Selezione: Organizzazione mondiale della sanit. Ufficio regionale per l'Europa, Copenaghen Risultato ricerca: 27 Lunghezza lista: 20

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1/27   The role of general practice settings in the prevention and management of the harm done by alcohol use : report on a WHO meeting, Vienna 19-22 October 1992. - [Copenhagen : World Health Organization-Regional Office for Europe], c1992. - 16 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. - (EUR/ICP/ADA ; 38)

2/27   Organizzazione mondiale della sanità. Ufficio regionale per l'Europa. [Alcohol, tobacco and primary health care in southern europe] : [report on a working group Padua, 11-14 April 1994]. - [Copenhagen : WHO, Regional Office for Europe], c1994. - 8 p. ; 30 cm. - (EUR/HFA/Target 17)
3/27   Organizzazione mondiale della sanità. Ufficio regionale per l'Europa. Action plan for a tobacco-free Europe. - Copenhagen : WHO. Regional Office for Europe, c1993. - 34 p. ; 24 cm
4/27   Letho, Juhani. Approaches to alcohol policy / by Juhani Lehto. - Copenhagen : World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, c1995. - IV, 61 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - (World Health Organization regional publications. European series ; 60)
5/27   The economics of alcohol policy / by Juhani Lehto. - Copenhagen : World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe, c1995. - IV, 53 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - (WHO regional publications. European series ; 61)
6/27   Community and municipal action on alcohol / by Bruce Ritson. - Copenhagen : World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, c1995. - V, 102 p. ; 24 cm. - ( ; 63)
7/27   Young people and alcohol, drugs and tobacco / by Kellie Anderson. - Copenhagen : World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe, c1995. - IV, 83 p. ; 24 cm. - (WHO regional publications.European series ; 66)
8/27   Health in Europe : the 1993-1994 health for all monitoring report. - Copenhagen : WHO Regional Office for Europe, c1994. - XI, 58 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - (WHO regional publications. European series ; 56)
9/27   Terminology for the european conference on health, society and alcohol : a glossary with equivalents in French, German and Russian. - Copenhagen : World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, c1995. - IV, 23 p. ; 24 cm
10/27   Terminology for the european health policy conference : a glossary with equivalents in French, German and Russian. - Copenhagen : WHO Regional office for Europe, 1994. - VIII, 33 p. ; 21 cm
11/27   Tossicodipendenti in carcere / Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità Ufficio Regionale per l'Europa. - Milano : Centro per l'informazione sanitaria, [c1992]. - ( ; 74.)
12/27   Salute per tutti.. - Milano : Centro per l'Informazione Sanitaria, [c1989]. - 55 p. ; 24 cm. - ( ; 61.)
13/27   Organizzazione mondiale della sanità. Ufficio regionale per l'Europa. Investing in women's health : central and eastern Europe / World health organization, Regional office for Europe, Copenhagen. - Copenhagen : Who regional publications, 1995. - 44 p. : ill.. - (European series ; 55)
14/27   Community and municipal action on alcohol : report of a WHO working group : Warsaw, 18-20 november 1992. - Copenhagen : World health organization, 1993. - 11 p. ; 21 cm. - ( ; 039 3690s)
15/27   Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità. Health promoting universities : concept, experience and framework for action / World health organization, Regional office for Europe, Copenhagen ; edited by Agis D. Tsouros ... [et al.]. - Copenhagen : World health organization, 1998. - 143 p.
16/27   The solid facts : social determinants of health / edited by Richard Wilkinson and Michael Marmot. - Copenhagen : WHO Regional office for Europe, 1998. - [25] p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - ()
17/27   European health policy conference : opportunities for the future : volume 1 : overwiew and outcomes : Copenhagen, 5-9 December 1994 / editors Patsy Harrington and Anna Ritsatakis. - Copenhagen : World health organization, Regional office for Europe, 1995 . - 196 p.
18/27   European charter on alcohol = Charte européenne sur la consommation d'alcool = Europäische Charta Alkohol : adopted at the European conference on health, society and alcohol, Paris, 12-14 décember 1995. - Copenaghen : WHO Regional office for Europe, [1996]. - [8] p. ; 30 cm.
19/27   Healthy cities: concepts & visions : a resorce for the WHO Healthy cities project. - Liverpool : University of Liverpool, Department of public health, 1997. - 39 p. : ill.
20/27   Draft: Athens declaration for healthy cities : 23 june 1998 / [a cura di Jo E. Asvall]. - Athens : WHO Regional office for Europe, 1998. - 7 c.. - ()

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