Butynski, William - Canova, Diane - Reda, Jo Lynn
State resources and services related to alcohol and other drug abuse problems. Fiscal Year 1989 : an analysis of state alcohol and drug abuse profile data / by William Butynski, Diane Canova, Jo Lynn Reda. - Rockville (Md.) : U. S. Department of Health
and Human Services, stampa 1990. - XI, 74 [106] p. : ill. ; 28 cmSul frontespizio: National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors. - Sul frontespizio: A report for the National Institute on Alcohol and Alcoholism and the National
Institute on Drug Abuse
Altri nomi.: National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors, Washington D. C.
             Stati Uniti d'America. National Institute on alcohol abuse and alcoholism
             National Institute on Drug Abuse, Rockville (Md.)
Soggetto...: Dipendenza da sostanze - Terapia da parte dei servizi sanitari pubblici - Stati uniti d'America
Lingua.....: ENG inglese
Paese......: US Stati Uniti
Data ISO...: 1990
Biblioteca.: DEVOTO
     - Coll: ALC LG 520 BUT 1
Database...: DEVO
Tipo mat...: M 102 Monografia
Record.....: DEV000444
MFN........: 002793
National advisory council on alcohol abuse and alcoholism. Task force on college drinking - Stati Uniti d'America. National Institute on alcohol abuse and alcoholism
College drinking, what it is, and what to do about it : a review of the state of the science / National Advisory Council on alcohol abuse and alcoholism, Task force on college drinking ; National Institute on alcohol abuse and alcoholism ; special
editors Mark S. Goldman, Gayle M. Boyd, Vivian Faden. - Piscataway : Center of alchohol studies, the State University of New Jersey, Rutgers, 2002. - 250 p. ; 28 cmSupplemento n.14(2002)
Supplemento di: Journal of studies on alcohol
Altri nomi.: Goldman, Mark S
             Boyd, Gayle M
             Faden, Vivian
Soggetto...: Bevande alcoliche - Consumo da parte di studenti - Prevenzione - Stati Uniti d'America
Lingua.....: ENG inglese
Paese......: US Stati Uniti
Data ISO...: 2002
Biblioteca.: CESDA
     - Coll: CAI.PER.JOU.
     - Inve: 0000002002
Database...: COO
Tipo mat...: M 102 Monografia
Record.....: E000500001406
MFN........: 010166
Stati Uniti d'America. National Institute on alcohol abuse and alcoholism
[Helping patients who drink too much : a clinician's guide / US Department of health & human services. National Institute on alcohol abuse and alcoholism]. - [S.l. : US Department of health & human services. National Institute on alcohol abuse and
alcoholism, 2005]. - 30 p. ; 29 cm
Soggetto...: Alcolismo - Diagnosi - Guide per i medici di medicina generale
Lingua.....: ENG inglese
Paese......: US Stati Uniti
Data ISO...: 2005
Biblioteca.: DEVOTO
     - Coll: ALC.LG.110.STA.
Database...: EC
Tipo mat...: M 102 Monografia
Record.....: E000500003887
MFN........: 012204
Stati Uniti d'America. National Institute on alcohol abuse and alcoholism
Alcohol health and research world / National Institute on alcohol abuse and alcoholism. - [Rockville Md. : US Departement of health and human services, 1973-1998]. - v. : ill. ; 26 cmDescr. basata su V. 13, n. 4 (1989). -
http://www.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/aharw.htm; current access is available via PURL
Soggetto...: Alcolismo - Periodici
Lingua.....: ENG inglese
Paese......: US Stati Uniti
Data ISO...: 1973-1998
Biblioteca.: DEVOTO
     - Coll: PER.STA.
Database...: DLC
Tipo mat...: S 120 Periodico
Record.....: E000500003939
MFN........: 012249
Stati Uniti d'America. National Institute on alcohol abuse and alcoholism
Understanding alcohol : investigations into biology and behavior. - [Colorado Springs : BSCS, c2003]. - 2 v. : ill. ; 207 p.. - (NIH curriculum supplement series. Grades 7-8)Sul front. : under a contract from the National institutes of health; Nationa
institute on alcohol abuse and alcoholism. - ISBN 1-929614-09-8
Soggetto...: Alcolismo e danni da consumo di bevande alcoliche - Didattica - Guide per docenti
Lingua.....: ENG inglese
Paese......: US Stati Uniti
Data ISO...: 2003
Biblioteca.: DEVOTO
     - Coll: ALC.000.UND.
Database...: GPO
Tipo mat...: M 102 Monografia
Record.....: E000500005011
MFN........: 013194