Individual psychology : the journal of Adlerian theory research & practice / [editors Guy J. Manaster, Jon Carlson]. - Austin : University of Texas press for the North American society of Adlerian psychology. - v.Trimestrale. - Tit. della cop. -
Successivi redattori: Gerald J. Morzdzierz e James Robert Bitter (dal 1995). - Descr. basata su: v. 42, n. 1 (Mar. 1986). - Continua con:  The journal of individual psychology; [editor Gerald J. Morzdzierz]. - ISSN 0277-7010
Altri nomi.: Manaster, Guy J.
             Carlson, Jon
             Morzdzierz, Gerald J.
             Bitter, James Robert
             North American society of Adlerian psychology
Lingua.....: ing
Paese......: ST Sao Tome' e Principe
Biblioteca.: CHIARUGI
     - Coll: ARC STR 03
Database...: Chiarugi-PERIO
Tipo mat...: S Periodico
Record.....: CHIP000329
MFN........: 005330