Nordic alcohol control policy : description and assessment of alcohol political measures in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden / Helge Kolstad (editor). - Oslo : Avholdsfolkets Landsnemnd, 1993. - 120 p. ; 20 cmISBN 82-90957-06-8
Altri nomi.: Kolstad, Helge
Soggetto...: Alcolismo - Controllo - Politiche pubbliche - Scandinavia
Lingua.....: ENG inglese
Paese......: NO Norvegia
Data ISO...: 1993
Biblioteca.: DEVOTO
     - Coll: ALC.KOL.
     - Note: Eurocare Italia
Database...: EC
Tipo mat...: M 102 Monografia
Record.....: E000500001969
MFN........: 010605