KERR, Alan
Contemporary Issues in Schizophrenia / edited by Alan Kerr, Philip Snaith ; with the assistence of Stanley Thorley and Alison Campbell. - Avon : The Royal College of Psychiatrists, 1986. - ix, 483 p. - ()
Altri nomi.: SNAITH, Philip
Soggetto...: Schizofrenia
Classificaz: 616.8982
Lingua.....: ing
Paese......: GR Grecia
Data ISO...: 1986
Biblioteca.: CHIARUGI
     - Coll: CON 616.898 2
     - Inve: 002239
Database...: Chiarugi-TECA
Tipo mat...: M Monografia
Record.....: CHIZ000319
MFN........: 005889