QRB : quality review bulletin : journal of quality assurance. - Chicago (Ill.) : Joint commission on accreditation of hospitals. - v.Mensile. - Tit. della cop. - Il nome dell'editore diventa nel 1987: Joint commission on accreditation of healthcare
organizations. - Descr. basata su: v. 12, n. 5 (May 1986). - ISSN 0097-5990
Altri nomi.: Joint commission on accreditation of hospitals
             Joint commission on accreditation of healthcare organizations
Lingua.....: ing
Paese......: ST Sao Tome' e Principe
Biblioteca.: CHIARUGI
     - Coll: ARC STR 01
Database...: Chiarugi-PERIO
Tipo mat...: S Periodico
Record.....: CHIP000306
MFN........: 005486