Training manual for the ICDP program of early facilitation : a way of improving caregiver-child communication / by Karsten Hundeide ; adapted and edited by Nicoletta Armstrong. - Oslo : International child development programs, [199-?]. - 123 p.
Altri nomi.: Hundeide, Karsten
             Armstrong, Nicoletta
             International child development programs, Oslo
Soggetto...: Bambini e adulti - Relazioni interpersonali
Lingua.....: ENG inglese
Paese......: NO Norvegia
Data ISO...: [199-?]
Biblioteca.: DEVOTO
     - Coll: GEN LG 430.21 HUN 1
Database...: DEVO
Tipo mat...: M 102 Monografia
Record.....: DEV002186
MFN........: 003661