Convegno Minimum criteria and set of instruments for the evaluation of treatment for professionals and administrators [1996 ; Roma]
Minimum criteria and set of instruments for the evaluation of treatment for professionals and administrators / edited by Maurizio Coletti. - [S.l. : Cedis, 1996]. - 95 p. ; 20 cm. - (Itaca)Atti del convegno Minimum criteria and set of instruments for the
evaluation of treatment for professionals and administrators, Roma,dicembre 1996
Altro titolo: Evaluation of treatment of drug abuse
Altri nomi.: Coletti, Maurizio
             Itaca Europa
Soggetto...: Tossicodipendenza - Terapia - Valutazione - Atti di congressi
Lingua.....: ENG inglese
Paese......: IT Italia
Data ISO...: 1996
Biblioteca.: CESDA
     - Coll: CAI.5.
     - Inve: 1001
Database...: EC
Tipo mat...: M 102 Monografia
Record.....: E000500001327
MFN........: 010096