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Ghodse Hamid [et al]
Drug-related deaths in the UK : drug-related deaths as reported by coroners in England, Wales, Guernsey, Jersey, and the Isle of Man, Police forces in Scotland, & the General Register Office for Northern Ireland : Annual report January-December 2005 and 17th Surveillaince Report July-December 2005. - London : International Centre for Drug Policy, 2006. - 83 p. : ill. ; 30 cm

Alternate reports, beginning with 17th, include: Annual report.
Descrizione: Statistiche sulle morti per abuso di sostanze in Gran Bretagna
Soggetti: Droghe | Abuso di sostanze | Statistiche-mortalità | Death - Causes - Statistics - Periodicals.

Biblioteca Codice Collocazione

Lingua: ENG inglese | Paese: GB Gran Bretagna | Tipo: M 102 Monografia | Database: EC | Codice: E000500005318 | MFN: 013442

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